2 years ago

7 reasons why smart classes are good for your child

Technology has been making progress in leaps and bounds for the past few decades. Technology has become a detrimental part of all the sectors in the economy. The education sector too has been able to successfully integrate technological processes in its daily functioning. Technology has only made the learning environment better and more suited to the needs of the 21st-century child. The inclusion of technology in the education sector has also helped the teachers gain new tools to make the child understand various concepts in a more wholesome way.

A new era of smart classes

While digital classes were not a regular component of teaching processes in the near past, with the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide, the concept of smart classes in school is no more alien. All the children have seamlessly been able to adapt to smart classes in the online mode. The students and parents have both welcomed the novelty of smart classes.
The employment of audio-visual tools makes the digital classroom more interesting and engaging than its chalk and duster counterpart. The forced conversion into smart classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic has helped the students discover a completely new and more engaging world of educational methods.

7 reasons why smart classes are good for your child

The complete conversion into digital teaching has been quite sudden. However, smart classroom comes with many advantages, and a few of them are as follows:

New learning techniques:
The main difference between the conventional teaching techniques and the novel smart learning techniques is the usage of a plethora of smart tools. Smart learning is also characterized by the equal participation of both the teachers and the students in the learning environment.
With the classrooms going online, the students and teachers have been forced to participate on the same footing. The teachers have resorted to using smart tools such as quizzes, games, puzzles, and other challenging apps to help develop the child’s analytical and logical skills and stimulate their brain cells into accepting any kind of challenge at hand.

Free online resources:

There are a variety of free online resources available free of cost. The students and teachers can get free access to resources from all over the world, which helps them to get an understanding regarding education all over the world. The students are not left out of world-class education with the guidance and help of the teachers.

The teachers are trained to employ these free online resources from all over the world to help the kids reach a new high. With the availability of resources from all over the world, the children and the teachers can assess the learning conditions in all parts of the world.

Easy maintenance:
Smart learning tools are very easy to maintain. The developers of the smart tools provide regular updates for the smooth functioning of these tools. Most of the time, the smart tools are self-updating. The only requirement for the maintenance of these smart tools ultimately boils down to the presence of a high-speed internet connection.

These tools do not have an expiry period attached to them unlike the conventional physical classroom tools like chalks and markers. These tools can be used forever if the tools go through regular updates.

High effectiveness of digital teaching methods:
Psychologists provide evidence that audio-visual tools of education are more effective than the conventional tools of education. When the students are presented with an interactive platform containing attractive audio and visual tools – the students respond faster.
They get a grasp on the concepts being taught faster and they can assimilate the knowledge more quickly. The students are also seen to be retaining more of the knowledge they are gaining because of the audio-visual medium.

The teaching process is simplified:
Smart teaching methods help the teachers simplify the subject to a great extent. The tools make the subject easy to understand, which helps the student grasp the subject more easily and helps them retain knowledge for a longer period of time.

With the availability of a large number of smart tools, the teachers can employ several visual and audio tools to explain the concepts which would have to be otherwise explained using the conventional lecture method. The teachers can easily use all the tools available at hand to make the learning process seamless and fun for the students.

The students are motivated:
Due to the large instance of interesting audio-visuals in the digital classroom, the students develop an innate level of interest in the class proceedings. When the students concentrate more, the students are bound to get a better understanding of the subject, and hence develop an eager interest in learning the subject.

The creativity and imagination capabilities of the student are boosted. The application and logical skills of the student are also boosted.

Parent-teacher communication becomes easier:
The organization of virtual parent-teacher meetings is an easier affair when compared to the physical mode of parent-teacher meetings. The teacher can communicate with the parents at any given point in time and on a more regular basis to inform the parents regarding the child’s progress. The teacher can also easily explain to the parents his or her role in shaping the learning outcomes of his or her child.

The Role of XSEED in the smart learning environment
XSEED is one of the fastest-growing smart education platforms in India. XSEED has an extensive and minutely researched program designed by professionals from the major universities of the world. XSEED provides learning solutions for children belonging to all the Indian boards, including ICSE, CBSE and many other state boards.

It also boasts of meeting the learning requirement of many international boards. The digital classroom in XSEED encourages the child to participate and question. The application skills of the child develop seamlessly as they are encouraged to solve more application-based problems individually after the teacher has finished teaching.

The child doesn’t only learn the concepts, but he or she can apply the knowledge he or she has gained in the classes.